Corrections Lifeskills


Any 40 workbooks

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You selected: Bundle 3: $750 ($1040 value) Any 40 workbooks
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Anger Management details >

This course really doesn’t teach anger management, rather anger avoidance. Anger is a secondary emotion that is fueled by primary emotions. Truly you cannot manage anger because once you let it in you either have to squelch it or express it, both are damaging. This course will help you by teaching “self-awareness” thinking skills that… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Cognitive Awareness details >

This is a unique course that can be used for all aspects of society, including counselors and therapists. This is a fun interactive course on self-discovery that takes the student through the lives of people who have had difficulty overcoming negative, self-destructive thinking errors. It covers topics such as self-deception, anger avoidance, emotional needs, relationships,… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Contentious Relationships details >

The main purpose of this course is to help divorced or separating couples understand the impact that a contentious divorce will have on their children. It focuses on helping contentious parents reduce their anger by seeing others as people and not objects. It demonstrates the futility of grudges and anger, and how to minimize the… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Domestic Violence details >

Domestic Violence is a serious crime against humanity because of its far-reaching tentacles and its effect on future generations. This course was designed for both the abuser and the victim. For victims, because of their lack of cognition and empathy as well as their propensity for re-victimization. For abusers, because of their self-defeating behaviors.

Driver Responsibility details >

The Driver Responsibility course focuses on the “x-factor” of driving; which is the values and attitudes of drivers. If we never change driver-thinking errors, we can never change driver behavior. It all starts with our personal way of being; who we are without thinking who we are. Research shows that most all drivers have the… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

DUI details >

ACCI’s experience with people who drive under the influence is that they are focused on self and have little regard for others. This group makes little effort to overcome their addictions and considers it their right to drive. ACCI offers a strong cognitive restructuring course that challenges their faulty thinking.

Employment details >

This course demonstrates that the major reason for under employment and non employment are self-inflicted thinking errors that hold people captive in poverty and low paying jobs. The main objective is to help people overcome the self-defeating thoughts and behaviors that may be blocking their ability for better employment and income. If we never change… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Marijuana Awareness details >

This course does not focus on the political or scientific differences that surround marijuana use, rather it focuses on the deep seated thinking errors that are associated with marijuana abuse. Participants are given an opportunity for self-discovery as they read and respond to real stories of how marijuana abuse has affected real lives. Tangible solutions… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Minor In Possession details >

The Minor in Possession Life Skills Course was designed to help youth and young adults consider the possible long-term, life-threatening consequences of using alcohol and drugs. It is a self-awareness course that focuses on captivity versus freedom. This course is written as historical fiction that follows the lives of real people with real consequences. Life… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Offender Corrections details >

This course was designed to help you see the big picture of your life. That you are most likely many times more capable and talented than you “think” you are. If we keep on doing what we have been doing, we will keep on getting what we have been getting. The only way to stop… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Parenting details >

This is a cognitive restructuring (self-awareness) course that focuses on the basic hierarchy of needs of children, and also teaches effective thinking skills. It demonstrates the importance of physical, emotional, directional, and creative needs for children. It points out that the most important aspect of parenting, is the parents.

Personal Responsibility (formerly named Offender Responsibility) details >

This course demonstrates how our beginnings can affect our endings if we don’t take personal responsibility to change. The course includes units that cover topics such as “growth vs. decay,” “ring of fire,” “life is a mirror,” “mountains vs. swamps,” “thoughts = consequences,” and many others. It is a course on how to be successful… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Sex Offender details >

This course challenges faulty thinking and self-defeating behaviors associated with sex offenses to help offenders overcome excuses and justifications for their behavior. This sex offender course could be a stand-alone program for minor sex offenders. However, it was not intended to stand alone for serious sex offenders. For serious offenders, it could be used as… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Substance Abuse details >

This is not an ordinary substance abuse course. It is based on historical fiction of two families, the Millers and the Johnsons. The course follows their lives through their victories and defeats as they fight the drug monster. It provides timely cognitive thinking and practical skills that have proven to help users recover from their… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Theft/Shoplifting details >

This course focuses on the many reasons for theft and shoplifting. It not only demonstrates the impact on businesses but also the consequences for the perpetrators as they trade a few dollars for a criminal record. It also demonstrates 10 proven cognitive skills for successful living, and how to avoid the common thinking traps that… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Anger Avoidance details >

Consistent anger is just a symptom of a greater mental or emotional disease. This course helps youth and parents to discover the source of their child’s anger and how to avoid it. The course demonstrates the connection between self-defeating thoughts and behaviors that lead to life altering changes. It is a work of historical fiction… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Marijuana Awareness details >

This course does not focus on the political or scientific differences that surround marijuana use, rather it focuses on the deep seated thinking errors that are associated with marijuana abuse. Participants are given an opportunity for self-discovery as they read and respond to real stories of how marijuana abuse has affected real lives. Tangible solutions… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Minor In Possession details >

The Minor in Possession Life Skills Course was designed to help youth and young adults consider the possible long-term, life-threatening consequences of using alcohol and drugs. It is a self-awareness course that focuses on captivity versus freedom. This course is written as historical fiction that follows the lives of real people with real consequences. Life… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Self Awareness details >

This course helps teens to get over past mistakes and bad decisions and focus on the present and future. It explains how to avoid negative thinking from the past and look forward to bright possibilities. It discusses the things in life that keep them from progressing. It teaches youth nine important cognitive skills for lasting… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Youth Driver Responsibility details >

The Driver Responsibility course focuses on the “x-factor” of driving; which is the values and attitudes of drivers. If we never change driver-thinking errors, we can never change driver behavior. It all starts with our personal way of being; who we are without thinking who we are. Research shows that most all drivers have the… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Youth Substance Abuse details >

The objective is to present to youth a wide range of practical and cognitive skills that can help them be chemically free. The only way back to sobriety is through the inner self, accompanied by strong determination and support from others. Youth playing around with drugs is like playing Russian roulette—you never know when a… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Youth Theft/Shoplifting details >

This course focuses on the many reasons for theft and shoplifting. It not only demonstrates the impact on businesses but also the consequences for the perpetrators as they trade a few dollars for a criminal record. It also demonstrates 10 proven cognitive skills for successful living, and how to avoid the common thinking traps that… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Youth/Parent details >

This course was specifically designed to be completed at home between youth and a parent or guardian. It includes the major problems confronting youth today, including peer pressure, substance abuse, lack of cognition, self-esteem, and choices. This cognitive restructuring curriculum is designed to help youth and parents overcome self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. The goal is… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Boundaries - Dating Violence Prevention details >

Boundaries – Dating Violence Prevention is a cognitive awareness course designed to help teens become safer and more aware of their own and other boundaries. It is written in a story format as it follows individual lives and consequences of both victims and perpetrators. It is also a short course on Constitutional rights that protect… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Bullying Prevention details >

Bullying Prevention is a cognitive life skills course for students written in a story format that follows the lives of those being bullied and and those doing the bullying. The course highlights the consequences for both the victim and perpetrator. The objective is to demonstrate the serious problems associated with bullying in its many forms.… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Distracted Driver details >

The Distracted Driver course is ideal for teenagers and young adults who find it challenging to manage distractions and specifically technology distractions while driving a motor vehicle. This is not a standard traffic program nor is it a traffic education program; rather, it is a cognitive awareness course that helps students develop a safety-first mindset… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Elevation - Cognitive Employment For Teens details >

This course is written in a story format and focuses on interpersonal and job seeking skills that can be used for a lifetime. Most high school students and teenagers have the physical skills to become successful at work, but are often deficient in the cognitive skills that must come first. If students never elevate their… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Infinity - Media Awareness details >

This cognitive life skills course for school students was written in a story format and demonstrates the warnings and dangers of the internet. It helps students understand social footprints and take more caution and personal responsibility for their online behavior. The course has a section on the cyber bullying and addictions to video games. It… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Leadership details >

This Leadership course for teens focuses on the cognitive thinking skills that develop good leadership skills and how these skills can influence others in a positive way. It is a work of historical fiction and follows the lives of Marty and others as they learn and implement the principles and top-tier requirements for leading and… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Marijuana Prevention details >

This course does not focus on the political or scientific differences that surround marijuana use, rather it focuses on the deep seated thinking errors that are associated with marijuana abuse. Participants are given an opportunity for self-discovery as they read and respond to real stories of how marijuana abuse has affected real lives. Tangible solutions… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Positive Thinking Skills details >

This is our foundational cognitive life skills course for students and teenagers. It is highly recommended to take this course in conjunction with the other topic specific courses. But if you are looking for a general course that addresses many common thinking errors such as anger avoidance and self-esteem, then is a good fit. It… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Serendipity details >

This course is not sex education; rather, a cognitive awareness course of natural human sexuality, written in story format. Serendipity means “happy accident” or finding something good or useful while not specifically looking for it. This small course can be serendipitous; good and useful. The increased awareness can be an unsuspected gem of protection for… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Substance Abuse Prevention details >

This is an evidence-based course that demonstrates the risks of substance abuse for high school students and teenagers. It is based on over 30 years of working with juvenile substance abuse offenders. This course follows the lives of real individuals that have struggled with their chemical addictions demonstrating their victories and defeats. This course is… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Truancy Prevention details >

Truancy Prevention is a course of self discovery that focuses on the thinking errors that lead to truancy and dropping out of school. This is not an educational program, rather a cognitive restructuring course that works in the cognitive domain to challenge faulty thinking and the affective domain to build self-esteem. It is course that… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Vaping Awareness details >

This course is designed for both prevention and early intervention for students who are considering or experimenting with any form of nicotine. All types of tobacco and nicotine are addressed including vaping, e-cigarettes, and chewing tobacco. Students are presented with several facts, stories and questions that help them see clearly the risks associated with vaping… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Abuso de sustancias tóxicas details >

This is the same as the English version : Substance Abuse. It is not an ordinary substance abuse course. It is based on historical fiction of two families, the Millers and the Johnsons. The course follows their lives through their victories and defeats as they fight the drug monster. It provides timely cognitive thinking and… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Conócete a ti mismo details >

This is the same as the English version: Cognitive Awareness. It is a unique course that can be used for all aspects of society, including counselors and therapists. This is a fun interactive course on self-discovery that takes the student through the lives of people who have had difficulty overcoming negative, self-destructive thinking errors. It… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Control de la ira details >

This course is the same as the English: Anger Management. It really doesn’t teach anger management, rather anger avoidance. Anger is a secondary emotion that is fueled by primary emotions. Truly you cannot manage anger because once you let it in you either have to squelch it or express it, both are damaging. This course… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Correctón de delincuentes details >

This is the same as the English: Offender Corrections. This course was designed to help you see the big picture of your life. That you are most likely many times more capable and talented than you “think” you are. If we keep on doing what we have been doing, we will keep on getting what… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Responsabilidad del delincuente details >

This courses the same as the English version:Persoanal Responsibility, but it name has not been changed. It demonstrates how our beginnings can affect our endings if we don’t take personal responsibility to change. The course includes units that cover topics such as “growth vs. decay,” “ring of fire,” “life is a mirror,” “mountains vs. swamps,”… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Violencia doméstica details >

This is the same as the English version: Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence is a serious crime against humanity because of its far-reaching tentacles and its effect on future generations. This course was designed for both the abuser and the victim. For victims, because of their lack of cognition and empathy as well as their propensity… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Navigating Reentry details >

The Navigating Reentry course provides practical guidance and support for individuals transitioning from incarceration to community life. It covers essential skills, resources, and strategies for overcoming challenges and achieving long-term success in reentry.

31 Days of Affirmation details >

The 31 Days of Affirmation course is a journey designed to empower and uplift individuals as they prepare to transition back into society. Through thought provoking questions and journaling activities, participants will learn to believe in their strength, trust in their journey, and know that they have the power to create the life they desire.

Commerical Driver Responsibility details >

The Commercial Driver Responsibility course is not a standard traffic program. Our research shows that problem drivers have other factors in their life that cause them to repeat offenses or disregard traffic laws. This is a lifeskills course that teaches cognitive and emotional skills needed by today’s commercial drivers of all ages, who may need… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Community Builder details >

What does it mean to be human? The Community Builder course offers individuals the opportunity to explore the essence of humanity, understand the foundations of community-building, and learn how to combat bias, prejudice, and mistreatment through empathy and inclusive practices.

Digital Literacy details >

We live in a digital realm. In an increasingly digital world, understanding online safety, digital literacy, and digital responsibility is crucial. The Digital Literacy course aims to equip participants with the skills to navigate the digital landscape safely and ethically. It covers key topics such as protecting personal information, evaluating online content, and communicating responsibly… Continue reading Any 40 workbooks

Financial Intelligence details >

The Financial Intelligence course is designed to help individuals discover their relationship and connection to money. It addresses gambling and other irresponsible approaches to personal finances and empowers individuals to better understand money, navigate personal finances, and achieve their financial goals.

Food Safety details >

The goal of this Food Safety course is to prepare you for employment in the Food & Beverage industry. It covers important topics such as avoiding foodborne illness, food preparation and nutritional information. This is an educational lifeskills course, not an ANSI-approved certification course.

Job Readiness details >

Work matters! The Job Readiness course is where you will learn essential skills and gain knowledge to prepare for entering the workforce and advancing your career. Work is not just an activity; it’s a path to personal fulfillment and contribution to society.
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