Corrections Lifeskills

Violencia doméstica(W 129 S)

This is the same as the English version: Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence is a serious crime against humanity because of its far-reaching tentacles and its effect on future generations. This course was designed for both the abuser and the victim. For victims, because of their lack of cognition and empathy as well as their propensity for revictimization. For abusers, because of their self-defeating behaviors. This course has been translated directly from the Domestic Violence course.

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Item Number: W 129 S


Course Description

This course helps both the perpetrator and the victim overcome the self-defeating thoughts and behaviors that are the core issues in domestic violence.

This course focuses on the real causes of domestic violence and not just the symptoms. The course was designed for both the perpetrator and the victim. It helps victims handle their lack of cognition and propensity for re-victimization. For perpetrators, it helps with self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. It is a course of self discovery that helps individuals understand the negative forces that exist in domestic violence relationships.

Learning Objectives & Skill Development

  • Develop empathy in personal relationships
  • Positive relationship building skills
  • Increased self-awareness and responsibility of generational cycles of abuse
  • Develop anger avoidance skills
  • Learn how to satisfy emotional hierarchy of needs in a positive manner
  • Develop positive thinking skills within all relationships

Recommended Uses

  • Self-Directed—Student does most of the course work independently with a peer or mentor
  • Group—To be completed in a group setting with a facilitator
  • Hybrid—Combination of self-directed learning and group instruction
  • Blended Learning—Combination of online & offline curriculum

Course Content


Domestic violence is a deliberate act of violence.


Victims are trapped in a web of deceit.


Each new day offers an opportunity for change.


Freedom to choose.


Your beginnings don't have to be your endings.


Six elements in the hierarchy of emotional needs.


Those who anger you control you.


Change is a choice.

Course Information

Course Format: eLearning and Printed Workbook
eLearning Length: 168 Slides
Scientific Model: Cognitive Restructuring
Author and Publisher: ACCI Lifeskills

Item Number: W 129
Workbook Pages: 24
Course Length: 6–8 hours

Criminogenic Needs Met

  1. Antisocial cognitions
  2. Antisocial companions
  3. Antisocial personalities
  4. Antisocial relationships

Learning Activities

  • Self-assessments
  • Scenario-based learning
  • Application and skill building
  • Self-reflection
  • Role playing
  • Discussion with coach
  • Focused journaling
  • Knowledge check