This courses the same as the English version:Persoanal Responsibility, but it name has not been changed. It demonstrates how our beginnings can affect our endings if we don’t take personal responsibility to change. The course includes units that cover topics such as “growth vs. decay,” “ring of fire,” “life is a mirror,” “mountains vs. swamps,” “thoughts = consequences,” and many others. It is a course on how to be successful by controlling self-defeating, negative thoughts. This course has been translated directly from the Offender Responsibility course.
This workbook was written to help offenders overcome denial and accept responsibility for their actions. The objective of this course is to intervene in revolving criminal thinking. It is a cognitive restructuring lifeskills course designed to challenge deeply seated self-defeating thoughts and behaviors.
Whether people choose to live in growth or decay has a powerful impact on them, their significant others, and society as a whole. Living below 500 is fraught with many dangers, strong negative emotions, and life-demeaning results. It is a life filled with captivity, where the subjects have empowered other people and self-inflicted events to control their lives. What the captives don’t understand is that the prison doors to their mind are never locked. All they have to do is push on them and leave.
Life is a gift of time and space to do much good.
Doesn't know right from wrong.
Whether one lives in growth or decay is a choice.
If we are not responsible for our lives, who is?
Many peope spend a lifetime trying to fulfill these needs.
Forgiveness is pardoning others without resentment.
The drug monster has no mercy.
You are who you are without thinking who you are.
The most important thing in a relationship is the people.
Course Format: eLearning and Printed Workbook
eLearning Length: 750 Slides
Scientific Model: Cognitive Restructuring
Author and Publisher: ACCI Lifeskills
Item Number: W 119
Workbook Pages: 64
Course Length: ~15 hours
Self-assessments | Role playing Knowledge check | Self-reflection Scenario-based learning | Focused journaling | Discussion with coach Application and skill building