American Community Corrections Institute regularly conducts evidence-based research and reports with many state and county agencies to ensure the efficacy of our cognitive restructuring model and programs. The first 20 years as we conducted Life Skills classes, we had excellent response. But it wasn’t until the next ten years, and especially during the last five, that we really learned what it took to reach a level where permanent change could take place.
In the latest review of over 20,000 graduates from our Lifeskills Link Program, we found a 80% completion rate with 96% of the participants giving a positive evaluation and reported they would recommend this program to others. We have been unable to obtain recidivism data from each agency that refers to us. We make every effort to collaborate with those referring to us to obtain the necessary data to ensure our programs are lowering recidivism rates. Please visit our Published Outcomes page for more information.
The following are the different types of research we conduct: