This course focuses on the many reasons for theft and shoplifting. It not only demonstrates the impact on businesses but also the consequences for the perpetrators as they trade a few dollars for a criminal record. It also demonstrates 10 proven cognitive skills for successful living, and how to avoid the common thinking traps that are easy to fall into.
The objective of this course is to challenge the faulty thinking errors and self-defeating behaviors associated with retail and other forms of theft.
Retail companies face an onslaught of different forms of theft from employees, vendors, and customers. When you add damaged goods, their shrinkage could be more than their profit. This is one of the shortest courses, but it hits hard and direct. There are several reasons why a person could be shoplifting, including kleptomania and other forms of mental illness. The most effective and least costly tool that exists to counter these problems is cognitive restructuring.
People should be good because they want to be.
If you live in reverse, you impair yourself.
You are in control; order yourself to do right.
A good society depends on good citizens.
Focus on your good points, not your shortcomings.
If you are not happy, it is your fault.
True freedom comes from choosing to do right.
Course Format: eLearning and Printed Workbook
eLearning Length: 650 Slides
Scientific Model: Cognitive Restructuring
Author and Publisher: ACCI Lifeskills
Item Number: W 121
Workbook Pages: 48
Course Length: ~6–8 hours