Corrections Lifeskills

Parenting(W 117)

This is a cognitive restructuring (self-awareness) course that focuses on the basic hierarchy of needs of children, and also teaches effective thinking skills. It demonstrates the importance of physical, emotional, directional, and creative needs for children. It points out that the most important aspect of parenting, is the parents.

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Item Number: W 117


Course Description

The objective of this course is to help parents become more aware of the long-term subconscious programming they instill in their children. Parenting is not easy. However, there are a few powerful cognitive steps that can be taken that will have the greatest impact on child and parent relationships.
Children have physical, emotional, directional, and creative needs. The more they get of these needs in early childhood, the better their adult life. The most important thing in parenting is the parents. Just a few changes now can reap great rewards in the future. The good and bad done to children will be reflected in future generations. One good way to gauge our success as parents is to see how our grandchildren turned out. One of the problems with parenting courses is guilt and denial. Parents can become angry and contentious at any suggestion that their children are acting out because of them. Because of the coach and home study format as well as positive curriculum, most of these strong emotions are negated, providing an excellent opportunity to change and learn.

Learning Objectives & Skill Development

  • Anger Avoidance
  • Self-Awareness
  • Internal Locus of Control
  • Empathy—People vs. Objects
  • Positive Thinking Skills

Recommended Uses

  • Self-Directed—Student does most of the course work independently with a peer or mentor
  • Group—To be completed in a group setting with a facilitator
  • Hybrid—A combination of self-directed learning and group instruction

Course Content


There are four elements in the hierarchy of needs for children.


Families are the most important unit in any society


Parents are most important in parenting.


Truth is what it is. You can't break the truth, only yourself.


Six important steps to greater success.


Simple interventions can now result in a cascade of positive results.


Angry people imprison themselves.


The more we think of others, the happier we will be.


We can influence others to change, but not force them.

Course Information

Course Format: Printed Workbook
Scientific Model: Cognitive Restructuring
Author and Publisher: ACCI Lifeskills

Item Number: W 117
Workbook Pages: 48
Course Length: ~10 hours

Learning Activities

  • Self-assessments
  • Scenario-based learning
  • Application and skill building
  • Self-reflection
  • Role playing
  • Discussion with coach
  • Focused journaling
  • Knowledge check