Corrections Lifeskills

Navigating Reentry(L 507)

The Navigating Reentry course provides practical guidance and support for individuals transitioning from incarceration to community life. It covers essential skills, resources, and strategies for overcoming challenges and achieving long-term success in reentry.

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Item Number: L 507


Course Description

The Navigating Reentry course provides practical guidance and support for individuals transitioning from incarceration to community life. It covers essential skills, resources, and strategies for overcoming challenges and achieving long-term success in reentry.

Learning Objectives & Skill Development

  • Taking personal responsibility
  • Positive subconscious thoughts
  • Opportunity and Growth
  • Self-Awareness
  • Goal setting and achievement
  • Strengthen ability to overcome adversity

Recommended Uses

  • Self-Directed—Student does most of the course work independently with a coach or mentor.
  • Group—To be completed in a group format with a facilitator.
  • Hybrid—A combination of self directed learning and group instruction.

Course Content

Unit 1: Understanding the Re-entry process

Developing a vision for the future and anticipating obstacles.

Unit 2: Securing Basic Needs

Building a foundation for a stable and healthy life after prison.

Unit 3: Safety and Security

Focusing on your physical environment, financial independence, and emotional well-being.

Unit 4: Love, Belonging and Esteem

Developing a sense of connection, respect, and personal growth.

Unit 5: Self Actualization

Finding a deeper purpose, and living a life that aligns with true values and potential.

Course Information

Author and Publisher: ACCI Lifeskills
Course Format: eLearning
Item Number: L 507
eLearning Length: 141 Slides
Scientific Model: Cognitive Restructuring

Criminogenic Needs Met

  1. Reentry
  2. Restorative Justice

Purchase Option

  • License to reprint
  • Purchase individual courses
  • eLearning License

Learning Activities

  • Narration & Story Telling
  • Animated Thoughts
  • Self Assessments
  • Scenario Based Learning
  • Focused Journaling
  • Application and Skill Building



Years of experience


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Completed courses per year on average


Evidence-based reports and research studies