Corrections Lifeskills

Marijuana Prevention(SCH 209)

This course does not focus on the political or scientific differences that surround marijuana use, rather it focuses on the deep seated thinking errors that are associated with marijuana abuse. Participants are given an opportunity for self-discovery as they read and respond to real stories of how marijuana abuse has affected real lives. Tangible solutions and increased awareness can help participants avoid the negative consequences that are connected to marijuana abuse. This course is suitable for both juveniles and adults.

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Item Number: SCH 209


Course Description

This is a unique course that is addressing a hot topic in our world today. This course doesn not focus on the political or scientific differences that surround marijuana use. Rather, it focuses on the deep-seated thinking errors that are associated with marijuana abuse. Participants are given an opportunity for self-discovery as they read and respond to real stories Of how marijuana abuse has affected real lives. Tangible solutions and increased awareness can help participants avoid the negative consequences that are connected to marijuana abuse.

Learning Objectives & Skill Development

  • Increase student awareness of the dangers of marijuana abuse
  • Help students grow pro-social relationships
  • Students will develop personal goal setting skills
  • Students will develop drug and alcohol avoidance skills

Recommended Uses

  • Self-Directed—Student does most of the course work independently with a parent or mentor.
  • Group—To be completed at school in a group format with a facilitator.
  • Hybrid—A combination of self-directed learning and group instruction.
  • Blended Learning—A combination of online and offline curriculum

Course Content


Small decisions can create big consequences.


The facts and effects of marijuana use.


Changing thoughts and behaviors is always an option.


Taking control of your life requires courage.

Course Information

Author and Publisher: ACCI Llfeskills
Course Format: eLearning and Printed Workbook
item Number: SCH 209
eLearning Length: 187
Slides Scientific Model: Cognitive Restructuring

Workbook Pages: 36
Course Length: 4-6 hours
Instructor Guide: G 605

Purchase Option

  1. License to reprint
  2. Individual courses
  3. Customized eLearning platform
  4. Parent enrollment
  5. School referral

Learning Activities

Animated thoughts
Self assessments
Interactive images