Corrections Lifeskills

Food Safety(L 503)

The goal of this Food Safety course is to prepare you for employment in the Food & Beverage industry. It covers important topics such as avoiding foodborne illness, food preparation and nutritional information. This is an educational lifeskills course, not an ANSI-approved certification course.

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Item Number: L 503


Course Description

The goal of this Food Safety course is to prepare you for employment in the Food & Beverage industry. It covers important topics such as avoiding foodborne illness, food preparation and nutritional information. This is an educational lifeskills course, not an ANSI-approved certification course.

Learning Objectives & Skill Development

  • Social Responsibility
  • Personal Safety
  • Opportunity and Growth

Recommended Uses

  • Self-Directed—Student does most of the course work independently with a coach or mentor.
  • Group—To be completed in a group format with a facilitator.
  • Hybrid—A combination of self directed learning and group instruction.

Course Content

Unit 1: Understanding Foodborne Illness

Foodborne illnesses affect millions of Americans each year.

Unit 2: Preventing Foodborne Illness

Clean, Separate, Cook, Chill.

Unit 3: The 5 Major Foodborne Illness Risk Factors

Knowledge is power.

Unit 4: Additional Prevention Measures

The more you know, the better off you are.

Unit 5: Employee Health & Hygiene

When working with food on the job.

Course Information

Author and Publisher: ACCI Lifeskills
Course Format: eLearning
Item Number: L 503
eLearning Length: 159 Slides
Scientific Model: Cognitive Restructuring

Criminogenic Needs Met

  1. Employment
  2. Vocational Development

Purchase Option

  • License to reprint
  • Purchase individual courses
  • eLearning License

Learning Activities

  • Narration & Story Telling
  • Animated Thoughts
  • Self Assessments
  • Scenario Based Learning
  • Focused Journaling
  • Application and Skill Building



Years of experience


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Completed courses per year on average


Evidence-based reports and research studies