Corrections Lifeskills

Employment(W 124)

This course demonstrates that the major reason for under employment and non employment are self-inflicted thinking errors that hold people captive in poverty and low paying jobs. The main objective is to help people overcome the self-defeating thoughts and behaviors that may be blocking their ability for better employment and income. If we never change our thinking, we can never change our behavior.

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Item Number: W 124


Course Description

The cognitive employment lifeskills workbook is the latest in a series of evidence-based, cognitive restructuring workbooks designed to help offenders overcome self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. This course is designed to help individuals identify and change the root causes of their employment issues. If we never change problem thinking, we can never change the problem behavior.

The Employment Workbook is 44 pages long and takes approximately 15 hours to complete. This is a home study workbook, designed to be completed at home with a coach of the student’s choosing, usually a friend or relative. It is a cognitive restructuring approach written at the sixth or seventh grade level, and it intervenes into the common thinking errors that keep people from moving forward.

This course uses the cognitive domain to challenge faulty thinking errors and the affective domain to build self-esteem and offer hope. One of the main messages in the workbook is that you are many times more capable and talented than you think you are. If you are not successful, it is your fault; your restrictions to gainful employment are self-imposed. The workbook follows the lives of two cousins, Chad and Jesse, as they break out of their loser mentality and discover that even in a down economy, there are many opportunities to make money.

Learning Objectives & Skill Development

  • Growth mindset
  • Overcoming self-defeating thoughts and attitudes
  • Self-confidence
  • Social skills for the workplace
  • Personal responsibility

Recommended Uses

  • Self-Directed—Student does most of the course work independently with a peer or mentor
  • Group—To be completed in a group setting with a facilitator
  • Hybrid—A combination of self-directed learning and group instruction

Course Content


Your beginnings don't have to be your endings.


T = (F+E) = (V+A) = B = C.


We can choose growth, stagnation, or decay.


Can elevate you or keep you in decay.


There are many opportunities, even in a down economy.


No one can change you except you.


You are more capable than you think you are.


There is no trial that we can't overcome.

Course Information

Course Format: eLearning and Printed Workbook
eLearning Length: 650 Slides
Scientific Model: Cognitive Restructuring
Author and Publisher: ACCI Lifeskills

Item Number: W 124
Workbook Pages: 52
Course Length: ~10 hours

Criminogenic Needs Met

  1. Employment
  2. Antisocial cognitions
  3. Antisocial personalities
  4. Antisocial relationships

Learning Activities

  • Self-assessments
  • Scenario-based learning
  • Application and skill building
  • Self-reflection
  • Role playing
  • Discussion with coach
  • Focused journaling
  • Knowledge check



Years of experience


Courses created and counting…



Completed courses per year on average


Evidence-based reports and research studies