Corrections Lifeskills

Cognitive Awareness Level 2(W 104)

This workbook is for all people who may be experiencing problems associated with self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. It is a self-development workbook designed to teach cognitive skills that will empower participants to live happier, more productive lives. This course was designed for non-criminals, although it can be used for offenders (Offender Responsibility is the equivalent for offenders). It was intended to be used by therapists and others who need a strong cognitive component to their counseling. Often, the answers to the future can be found in the past. The subconscious mind remembers things in three basic ways: repetition, trauma, and emotion. Cognitive Awareness Level 2 is 60 pages and takes, on average, 20 hours to complete

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Item Number: W 104


Course Description

This workbook is for all people who may be experiencing problems associated with self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. It is a self-development workbook designed to teach cognitive skills that will empower participants to live happier, more productive lives.
This course was designed for non-criminals, although it can be used for offenders (Offender Responsibility is the equivalent for offenders). It was intended to be used by therapists and others who need a strong cognitive component to their counseling. Often, the answers to the future can be found in the past. The subconscious mind remembers things in three basic ways: repetition, trauma, and emotion.
The goal of this workbook, and any cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) effort, is to intervene at the deepest level and challenge faulty thinking errors, helping clients become cognizant of what is blocking their progress and allowing them to find their true potential. This workbook will lead people on a journey of self discovery. It will demonstrate that they are many times more talented and capable than they think they are. Some people need just a tune up (cognitive structuring), while others need an overhaul (cognitive restructuring). People who live above 500 in growth will experience validation, while those living in decay, below 500, will have quite another experience

Learning Objectives & Skill Development

  • Self-awareness
  • Money management
  • Positive subconscious thoughts
  • Goal setting and achievement
  • Empathy and positive relationship building

Recommended Uses

Course Content


Your beginnings are mostly luck—it is not your fault.


We can block the wrong and not pass it on.


Whether we live in growth or decay is our choice.


The average American only lives 900 months, or 620,000 hours


If you don't control anger, it will control you.


The addicted are held captive by heavy chains they created.


Resistant, self-deceived people live below 500.


Intimate relationships take people to the deepest sense.


Comes when you stop believing the untruth.

Course Information

Level Number: Level I Level II Level III
Item Number: W 103 W 104 W 105
Facilitator Manual: T 103 T 104 T 105
Workbook Pages: 28 60 106
Course Length: 8 hours 20 hours 35 hours
Course Format: Printed Workbook
Scientific Model: Cognitive Restructuring
Author and Publisher: ACCI Lifeskills

Criminogenic Needs Met

    1. Antisocial cognitions
    2. Antisocial personalities
    3. Family relationships

Learning Activities

Self-assessments | Role playing Knowledge check | Self-reflection Scenario-based learning | Focused journaling | Small group breakouts Application and skill building