Corrections Lifeskills

Boundaries - Dating Violence Prevention(SCH 205)

Boundaries – Dating Violence Prevention is a cognitive awareness course designed to help teens become safer and more aware of their own and other boundaries. It is written in a story format as it follows individual lives and consequences of both victims and perpetrators. It is also a short course on Constitutional rights that protect people from abuse and their pursuits to happiness. It is one of several short courses that all come together to help teens navigate the many difficult obstacles they face and stay out of harms way into adulthood.

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Item Number: SCH 205


Course Description

The Boundaries and Dating Violence course was designed as prevention to help students become more aware of their own and others’ boundaries. It is also a short course on the constitutional rights and privileges that protect each individual from abuse. It is written as historical fiction and follows the stories of individuals who have their boundaries broken.

Learning Objectives & Skill Development

  • Increase student understanding of their constitutional rights and personal boundaries
  • Students will be able to more readily identify instances of boundary breaking
  • Students will learn how to effectively respond to instances of boundary breaking
  • Perpetrators will learn how to respect each personal boundaries

Recommended Uses

  • Self-Directed—Student does most of the course work independently with a parent or mentor.
  • Group—To be completed at school in a group format with a facilitator.
  • Hybrid—A combination of self directed learning and group instruction.
  • Blended Learning—A combination of online and offline curriculum

Course Content


Your fundamental rights to freedom and safety


How to keep your boundaries from being broken.


Abuser probability profile test


I am smarter and more intelligent than I may think I am.

Course Information

Author and Publisher: ACCI Lifeskills
Course Format: eLeaming and Printed Workbook
Item Number: SCH 205
eLearning Length: 192 Slides
Scientific Model: Cognitive Restructuring

Workbook Pages: 36
Course Length: 4-6 hours
Instructor Guide: 6605

Purchase Option

  1. License to reprint
  2. Individual courses
  3. Customized eLearning platform
  4. Parent enrollment
  5. School referral

Learning Activities

  • Narration
  • Storytelling
  • Animation
  • Gamification
  • Animated thoughts
  • Self assessments
  • Interactive images



Years of experience


Courses created and counting…



Completed courses per year on average


Evidence-based reports and research studies