This course is based on the documentary film “Beyond The Wall.” Beyond the Wall is a program designed for incarcerated or recently released individuals, to help them envision and create a different pathway into the future using storytelling, mindfulness practices, and journaling as they explore the stories from their past that can best guide them to create the future story that they want to live.
This course is based on the documentary film “Beyond The Wall.” Beyond the Wall is a program designed for incarcerated or recently released individuals, to help them envision and create a different pathway into the future using storytelling, mindfulness practices, and journaling as they explore the stories from their past that can best guide them to create the future story that they want to live.
Author and Publisher: ACCI Lifeskills
Course Format: eLearning
Item Number: L 506
eLearning Length: 281 Slides
Scientific Model: Cognitive Restructuring